What We Provide
TruePoint Solutions is pleased to announce our company’s award of a California Multiple Award Schedule contract (CMAS). A CMAS contract offers a wide variety of commodities, foremost for TruePoint will be information technology services. This will help us to offer these services to various Agencies at prices determined by the State of California to be fair, reasonable and competitive.
A multiple award contract is an award to two or more contractors for the same products and/or services at the same or similar prices. CMAS contracts are not established through a competitive bid process conducted by the State of California. The upshot of this is the simplification of the procurement of services offered by the TruePoint team at prices which have been previously accepted and which are cost-effective.
The CMAS Program does not “use” the GSA Authorized Federal Supply Service Schedule. Instead, it establishes a totally independent California contract for the same products and services at equal or lower prices. Now that our CMAS contract has been awarded, TruePoint can market and distribute that contract as a viable purchasing vehicle.